Dimension This!

One of the enhancements in 2009 that I try to use more and more is the snappily titled “Enable on screen numeric input on entity creation…” or Add Dimension to you and me!

Found in the system options under sketch, this option will add a check box to automatically add dimensions to sketch geometry when you create them. This means you can create your geometry to the correct size straight away.


The above image shows the creation of a rectangle, SolidWorks prompts for the height, type the value and either hit tab or enter to add a width dimension.

A Quick “Add Dimension” tip!!

Adding dims automatically can sometimes (if you add too many) lead to an over defined sketch. Using the Alt key stops SolidWorks adding the dimension. Automatic relations will still be added!!

Note: “Alt d” will toggle the Add dimension tick box on and off.

Hope you find this tip useful!!

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