Divided We Stand, United We Conquer
As a whole, the SolidWorks Community is pretty tight-knit – user group leaders have their own private discussion area, dozens of them meet yearly at SolidWorks World, and plenty of them keep in touch all year. More and more, user group leaders are visiting other groups to share information and/or do technical presentations
There’s something exciting going on this year that’s gaining traction – combined user group meetings. On May 3rd, the members of the Calgary and Edmonton user groups will gather halfway between the two cities for a day full of SolidWorks stuff. In late May, seven group leaders will bring themselves and some of their members to Columbia, SC for the SESWUW. A collection of groups in the Midwest are planning a combined meeting for August 5th somewhere near Madison, WI. You may also have heard about a large event in the Northeast in mid-September. After that, it won’t be long until SolidWorks World 2009 in Orlando.
I’m sure we’ll hear of other groups that are combining their strengths, talents, and resources to provide the very best experience for their user group members.