A Terrific Year for SolidWorks User Groups
2007 was a great year for SolidWorks User Groups, with a total of 20 new groups joining the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN). From small towns (North Augusta, SC) to large metro areas (Tampa, FL), new groups popped up at a rate of nearly 2 per month. That’s a growth rate of over 18%.
Top Ten Highlights from 2007
10. The San Diego SolidWorks User Group holds 12 meetings in 2007.
9. Pirates on the Bay SolidWorks User Group lays claim to best user group name.
8. Ukraine SolidWorks User Group resides in most difficult city to pronounce (Dnipropetrovs’k).
7. 14 groups increase their attendance by more than 25%.
6. The SolidWorks Roadster visits the Central MA/Northern CT User Group.
5. Jeff Ray swings through Texas in June.
4. 90 SolidWorks User Group members became CSWA’s (for free!).
3. 6 different 2008 SolidWorks World presenters attend the SWUGN Summit – San Jose.
2. Gerald visits Austin, Wayne visits Colorado, Lenny visits Kansas City..you get the idea.
1. The SWUGN Summit – Nashville draws 115 attendees.
There’s still a lot to do in 2008. The SWUGN Technical Summit schedule will be released soon, we have several large metro areas that are screaming for a user group (New York and San Francisco, are you listening?), and we need to make more inroads internationally. We’ve built a great deal of momentum to take into the New Year, and I know that 2008 will be the best year yet for SWUGN.
Huge thanks to all of our user group leaders (you can meet a bunch of them at SolidWorks World), our group members (them too), and the SWUGN Committee (ditto) for their hard work and dedication to the SolidWorks User Group Network.