Driving to the Big "D"
Back in 1999 when the Austin-Bergstrom airport opened, one of the local radio stations did a test to see which was the faster way to Dallas – flying or driving. They picked a rendezvous point (220 or so miles from Austin), and had one person drive to the airport, park, and catch a flight. Another person jumped in a car and headed up I-35 at the same time. The person driving reached the appointed site well ahead of the person flying.
The North Texas SolidWorks User Group has a couple of very interesting presentations scheduled for their May 3rd meeting in Dallas. Thomas Allsup will be presenting "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective SolidWorks People", and Larry Caewood follows up with "SolidWorks in the Real World". Both should be very interesting and informative. I’ll post a synopsis later this week.
I’ll be there as well, and I get to talk about my favorite subject – The SolidWorks User Community. Group leader Christie Reed has asked me to report on "what’s been going on" out there (her exact words I think). And yes, I’ll be driving to Dallas for the 5:00pm meeting.
Flying to Dallas:
Leave for the airport at 1:00pm, park car and wait for shuttle. Stand in the cattle call seating line at Southwest airlines holding a "C" group boarding pass. Finally board the flight at 2:30pm, leave at 2:45pm. Flight time (gate to gate) to Dallas – 1 hour and 5 minutes, arriving at 3:50pm. Pick up rental car at 4:15pm. Drive from the airport to the meeting site, 1 hour. Total time = over 4 hours and I’m fifteen minutes late.
Driving to Dallas:
Leave for Dallas at 2:00pm. Arrive at 5:00pm.