Stories From the Airport
Turns out that leaving New Orleans was even harder than I thought. Several SolidWorks employees and customers spent a few extra hours in the airport due to a "mechanical issue" with our plane. The delay wasn’t all bad as we got a chance to sit around and share some stories about SolidWorks.
Rick Wilson of Perry Equipment Corp. told us how he had convinced his management to implement SolidWorks. He trained himself using a 60 day eval, and completed three projects that had stalled at his company. That was all it took to bring one new seat in-house initially. They bought several more when they realized that they could get the new seats of SolidWorks for the price of the maintenance on seats of "another" CAD program.
Don Dorff of Beckman Coulter related a story about one experienced CAD user that was struggling with a particular project. The decision was made to re-start the project using SolidWorks. The engineer was sent to a SolidWorks training class, and returned a couple of days later ready and energized enough to complete it within a few weeks.
Airport delays are usually a drag for me, but the extra time I spent in New Orleans was just icing on the cake after the best SolidWorks World ever.