Anticipation, Enthusiasm, Excitement – Why I attend SolidWorks World

For me, the anticipation starts in mid-July with the official call-for-papers. My enthusiasm ramps up in November when registration officially opens. And when the holidays are over and the New Year starts, the excitement builds to a crescendo. The SolidWorks World Conference and Exposition is right around the corner!! I’ve attended every SolidWorks World conference, and I fondly remember each one for a variety of reasons.

Over the next few days, I’ll recap some of my favorite moments from each year. Don’t look for a review of the technical sessions, new products from SolidWorks Partners, or even a summary of SolidWorks features or functionality introduced each year. What I will talk about is the little things that brought me back every year; the chance to meet fellow SolidWorks users and share our passion for mechanical design and the software we use daily, speaking with industry analysts and experts about trends in software and hardware, and the wonderful “special events” that give us a chance to unwind and let our hair down a little.

I’ve had the rare pleasure of meeting hundreds (if not thousands) of SolidWorks enthusiasts at SolidWorks World over the years, and I look forward to seeing all of them again. I also look forward each year to meeting new people, and adding to my personal network of colleagues. No, wait, make those friends! I’ll be at SolidWorks World 2006 from start to finish, please look me up; I’ll be the guy in the SolidWorks shirt with a huge smile on his face.


Richard Doyle

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.