Amazon, Microsoft or Google? Selecting a Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider
Many IT organizations, driven by the ever-increasing demand on businesses to provide products and services on the Internet, are finding themselves more often turning to Cloud hosting options for their solutions. There are several infrastructure service providers to choose from,
... ContinuedFour Manufacturing Predictions and Trends for 2015
The holidays are upon us and it is time to not only think about family, food and gifts, but to also think about what the coming year will have in store for us. Not only for ourselves, but what does
... ContinuedScanners and ERP: A Look at Some of the Common Considerations
One of the most frequent questions we get asked in the IQMS Hardware Division is, “What scanner works with EnterpriseIQ?” Before answering that question, I would like to clarify the term “scanner.” Most people refer to any device that is able
... ContinuedStop Trying to Integrate Your Shop Floor MES and ERP Solutions
It seems like one of the recent trends in ERP software functionality is a renewed focus on shop floor control. This trend has prompted many ERP companies to begin selling third-party shop floor systems that are “integrated” with their ERP
... ContinuedA Quick Overview of Common Cloud Services Options
The term “cloud” has evolved over the years from a vague collection of computer systems interconnected for research and collaboration to a multifaceted and lucrative service platform used to host anything and everything that one can imagine. In addition, there
... ContinuedIQMS User Group 2014 – The Day 1 Experience
Hellllooooooo, Las Vegas! I have been waiting weeks for the arrival of User Group 2014 and finally, after two years in the making, it is here! And let me tell you, Day 1 did not disappoint – It was a
... ContinuedAutomatic Document Management: Ditch Your Manual Filing System
When we all started school as young children, we were given the same speech about keeping our binders nice and tidy. We all had to go to the local office supply store, buy the colorful subject dividers and begin the
... ContinuedIs Money the Most Important Factor in Choosing Your Next Career?
“Show me the money!” – Rod Tidwell (Jerry Maguire) There are several factors people consider when making a career move: Salary, location, job fit, job security, benefits, fellow employees and more. After conducting more than 420 phone interviews in the
... ContinuedIt’s Quiz Time: What Kind of EnterpriseIQ User Are You?
Ever take a quiz to find out what “kind” you are? For example, what kind of sports fan, boss or cookie are you? I thought it would be fun to find out what kind of IQMS EnterpriseIQ user you are. Keep
... ContinuedFinite Capacity Scheduling for Manufacturing Production Management
Your manufacturing business lives and dies by the effectiveness of your master production schedule, making the role of scheduler an unenviable position. The Master Scheduler Also known as the “Production Planner” or “Lord of the Shop Floor Calendar”, whatever title
... ContinuedWhy Manufacturers Say They Want SaaS ERP, But Really Mean Cloud ERP
When consulting with prospective manufacturers, a conversation about their preferred deployment method always arises. There are three common delivery choices available on the market today (on premise, hosted or a hybrid of the two), yet some of our prospects mistakenly
... ContinuedILVS, IPL and ALC: Simplifying for Automotive Manufacturers
In-line vehicle sequencing (ILVS), inventory part labeling (IPL) and automated line control (ALC). A major automotive supplier to Ford, Honda, BMW or Toyota may recognize these terms and may frown when reading them. These terms are often followed by choice
... Continued5 Tips to Successfully Implement Standard Costing
You may feel that it is time to make use of your ERP software’s automation to quicken the pace of closing out your books at month-end and to maintain your perpetual inventory value. Regardless of whether you pursue standard or actual
... ContinuedAssembly Manufacturing ERP Implementation – Initial Considerations
Manufacturing is an ever-changing endeavor. The days of a manufacturer specializing in only one type of process (for example, machining, injection molding or stamping) have evolved into more solutions-based enterprises. IQMS customers are no exception. Despite the recent economic recession,
... ContinuedManufacturing and the Internet of Things: Destined for Greatness
Loosely defined, the Internet of Things (IoT, for short) is the concept of connecting everything imaginable to a network so that information can be quickly and easily shared through network connections with everything else. Today, there are more devices connected
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