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6 Ways To Get Production Teams To Own And Take Pride In Quality
Team accomplishments mean more than individual cash incentives or prizes, and seeing how combined efforts make a difference for customers matters more than individual recognition. In the pursuit of quality, production teams want the opportunity to find purpose, gain autonomy
... ContinuedHow to do a Quality Audit and Track Improvements
Product quality is the test of every customer relationship a manufacturer has. Ingraining product and process quality into the DNA of shop floor to top floor operations create new opportunities to excel at exceeding customer expectations. Only by choosing to
... Continued10 Ways Track and Trace Improves Production Efficiency
The passion for pursuing quality is visible in every area of growing, successful manufacturers who are attracting new customers. Market leaders defy uncertainty and market conditions by returning to the true north of customer value which is their obsession with
... Continued7 Strategies For Making Manufacturing Quality A Competitive Advantage
Manufacturing quality is the fuel powering the customer experience revolution globally today. The quickening cadence customers evaluate and buy products across any channel they prefer is revolutionizing manufacturing. Customers traverse online and offline channels looking for products that solve specific
... Continued10 Ways The Internet of Things (IoT) Is Redefining Manufacturing
Of the many industries that are attaining greater speed, scale and simplified operations from IoT-based technologies and solutions, manufacturing has the most to gain. Sensor-based data from across supply chains shows potential to improve traceability, pull-based replenishment, and improve inventory
... Continued5 Key Metrics That Drive Higher Manufacturing Quality
Manufacturers who are growing faster than competitors and gaining market share while thwarting price wars all share a common trait. They have an intensity about product quality that reverberates through each work center, plant, and across their production network. Flat
... ContinuedCreating Strong, Scalable Production Teams With Analytics
Numerous studies have demonstrated how analytics will change manufacturing quickly over the next three to five years. Manufacturers leading the adoption curve know that having their teams engaged, owning the analytics app development, customization and launch will determine if the many
... Continued10 Ways Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) Are Accelerating Time-To-Market and Quality
Any manufacturer who pursues greater speed, scale of operations and strives to be simpler to do business with will win more deals and grow faster than competitors. Gartner, IDC and independent research studies all show that manufacturers who provide the
... ContinuedWhy Industry-Specific ERP Fits Process Manufacturing
Process manufacturing is defined by Gartner as “manufacturing that adds value by performing chemical reactions or physical actions to transform materials, or by extracting, mixing, separating, or forming materials in batch or continuous production modes.” Batch manufacturing mode is where
... ContinuedFinding an ERP Solution that Eliminates Data Silos Between Accounting and the Shop Floor
As organizations grow, each department and often individual managers develop systems to manage the information that is important to them. Although well intended, these disparate systems can lead to inaccuracies, duplicate efforts, and costly mistakes. For example, an order processing
... Continued5 Supply Chain Metrics That Matter The Most
It’s a well-known management axiom that you can’t improve what you don’t measure. This concept has been attributed to such varied sources as management guru Peter Drucker, Sir William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin, and W. Edwards Deming, father
... ContinuedMaterial Requirements Planning (MRP): Why Choose a Unified ERP System?
Material requirements planning (MRP) software, also known as material resource planning, was first developed in the 1960s when computers began to become an integral and widespread part of the manufacturing sector. What is an MRP system? Material requirements planning is
... ContinuedMore Effectively Track Vendor Managed and Outsource Inventory
In this age of virtual reality, I pose a question: “Do you know where your inventory is located?” Not your physical inventory – that’s probably somewhere on your plant floor and you probably have a very efficient system to track
... ContinuedWhat is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
What is Supply Chain Management? Many business people talk or read about supply chain management (SCM) without really understanding what it means or the impact it can have on a company’s profitability and market share. Whether you’re a seasoned professional
... ContinuedOEE: How to Calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) takes the three sources of manufacturing productivity loss: Availability, Performance and Quality, and creates metrics that provide a consistent way to measure the effectiveness of a machine or process. Availability Factor The Availability Factor of the
... Continued