Author Archives: SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Motorcycle Rotor Tutorial
Motorcycle Rotor: This simple part shows how to use a Sketch Picture to trace over existing geometry from an actual picture or an image. One quarter of the part is easily copied four times using a circular body pattern. Other features
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Water Bottle Cage Tutorial
Water Bottle Cage: This Water Bottle Cage demonstrates using “Spline on Surface” to get the outline of the wireform used to hold a water bottle on a bike. It also demonstrates the setting for guiding a sweep along an adjacent
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Wall Hook Assembly Tutorial
Wall Hook Assembly: This Plastic wall hook has an interesting shutoff along the inner edge of the hook. In addition, on the inner portion of the hook, a stepped parting line is modeled to allow filleting of the inner edge .This
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Checkering Tutorial
Checkering Example: This part shows how to use surfaces to help create geometry used to create swept cuts. These groove cuts create a diamond pattern called checkering. Checkering is usually added to wooden handles for decoration and to provide better grip. Download: Checkering Complexity: Moderate
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Safety Glasses Tutorial
Safety Glasses: These safety goggles use surface modeling to generate their swoopy shape. Sweeps, lofts and trims create the initial surfaces that are then Thickened to form the glasses. The rarely used Mid-Surface feature is used to easily define a complicated
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Pastry Blender Tutorial
Pastry Blender: Modeled the way it is manufactured, the blades of this pastry cutter are cut in the flat pattern then folded to create the final shape. This creates smoother edges than other possible modeling methods. Sketched Bend forms all 5
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Card Box Assembly Tutorial
Card Box: This assembly has five unique components in it. There are examples of external refs and derived sketches. There are examples of several plastic fastening features including Mounting Bosses and Lip and Grooves. Download this file to learn about fastening features,
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Battery Hold Down Assembly Tutorial
Battery Hold Down: This assembly is used to lock an automotive battery in place. It has six unique components in it. There is one example of external references in the hold down part. The hold down bar includes a FEA static
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: 3 Leg Chair Base Tutorial
3 Leg Chair Base: This lounge chair base features advanced surfacing techniques used to model shapes that cannot be created accurately with solid features and the fillet tool. Surface features will be used to blend the foot into the leg and
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Complex Weldment Part 5 Tutorial
Complex Weldment Part 5: All weldments need a 2D or 3D sketch which “acts” like the path of sweep. The profile is selected from a list and does not need to be sketched every time. This weldment is an object made
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