Create Meaningful Connections with Lean Team Player
When it comes to collaboration, teams today face many challenges. Even before the pandemic-related hurdles of 2020, remote and in-person coworkers often have difficulties coming together for meetings and sharing ideas. Information visualization, meeting organization and structure, and operational processes that stifle innovation all make it hard for teammates to truly connect and collaborate. With workplaces more remote than ever, teams need better solutions to stay connected.
Enter Lean Team Player. Lean Team Player, part of 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS portfolio, gives users access to the organization and visualization tools that can help teammates come together. Designed to emulate and improve on whiteboarding organizational techniques, Lean Team Player is full of intuitive, eye-catching, and easy-to-use tools that are designed to improve meetings, workflows, team accountability, and more.
You can get a firsthand look at Lean Team Player on Monday, November 30, when you tune in for “Exploring 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS Live.” 3DEXPERIENCE Roles Portfolio Manager Michael Buchli joins the 3DEXPERIENCE experts to explain the history of Lean manufacturing principles, followed by a high-level look into the many ways Lean Team Player can improve your company’s communication and collaboration.
Lean Team Player’s user-friendly interface is based on real-world whiteboard and sticky note methodologies, commonly used on shop floors. It takes familiar in-person ideation and organization methods and makes them digital. With simple touchscreen-inspired usability, all of your team members can engage with content simultaneously on the cloud. This makes it easy to collaborate and communicate about anything: issues, ideas, designs, process mapping, presentations, and beyond.
Want to learn more and become a Lean Team Player yourself? Register for the webinar and see how empowering, engaging digital tools can help you and your team work better and easier, together or apart.