A Southern Swing with a (Side) Trip to Space

Jeremy Regnerus and I spent this past week visiting SOLIDWORKS User Groups in Alabama and Tennessee where we helped Ricky Jordan, Brian McElyea, and Rich Hall celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the North Alabama SOLIDWORKS User Group. Before heading out to Chattanooga, we took a short side trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center where I took this incredible picture of the Saturn 5 first stage rockets. The picture doesn’t begin to do justice to the awesome size.
It’s always nice to see Nicole Walden and the Chattanooga SOLIDWORKS User Group. Nicole has been involved with three different groups over the years (in Florida, Texas, and now Tennessee). The group really took a shine to Jeremy and his sneak peak at SOLIDWORKS 2015.
Our last stop was Knoxville and the Knoxville-Oak Ridge SOLIDWORKS User Group, headed up by rookie group leader Tony Brun. Tony was a little nervous going in, but having ALL of your RSVP’s show up is a great way to calm the nerves and get things started in the right direction.
Don Bartlett and Dan Bovinich have kept the Eastern Michigan SOLIDWORKS User Group going for a long time now, and recently determined that for their members, afternoon meetings work best. Their attendance for this year is tracking at almost double compared to 2013.
The first meeting of the new South Central Nebraska SOLIDWORKS User Group was small, but energetic. Group leaders Brad Jorgenson and Jarod Mettler were joined by Southern US SWUGN representative Todd Blacksher for the first of many meetings.
There are 13 SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings scheduled for the next two weeks. I’ll be at one of them, but they don’t know it yet.
SOLIDWORKS World 2015. Enough said.
SOLIDWORKS 2015 reseller rollouts start in early October. Don’t miss them!!