Why They Are Going to SolidWorks World 2014

Yesterday I asked a bunch of folks this simple question – Why are you going to SolidWorks World 2014?

Here are some of my favorite replies:

“Where else would you meet 5000+ other nerds that like to do the same things you do” – Craig Lalumiere

“To escape the winter for a few days… Seriously, to take a “learning break” that I don’t take in other times, to get some presentation ideas for user group meetings, to see what others do and develop. Another point is to meet in person people with who I network during the rest of the year, my VAR and his staff” – Philippe Dutremble

“My reasons for going are simple; learning, networking and above all meeting old friends and making new ones. The world is small & round and we never know when we’ll bump into each other” – Deepak Gupta

“Mainly to learn and network. Also meet vendors like FlatterFiles, 3DConnexion, and Makerbot in person. Network with SolidWorks employees including CAD Manager Boot Camp, User Group Leader meetings, and Focus Group meetings. To gain knowledge from training sessions by asking questions and discussions from real users in person. Also to meet new vendors and investigate new products for my work and User Group presentations and demos” – Mathew Stevenson

“Attending SolidWorks World is my way to earn personal, Continuing Education Credits. Listen, present, share, network, dine, play, explore and discover all in one place – a totally unique experience!” – Bill Casnovsky

“SolidWorks World to a engineering nerd, is like Disney World is to a young child…. its a magical place” – Scott Baugh

“Networking, learning, teaching, having fun and one of the few times you can meet face to face with many of those people who are constantly messaging on the SWUGN Forum” – Peter Fischer

“I would rather be nowhere else!! – Jeff Holliday

“It’s the only place to get the invaluable SWUGN ribbon that gets you VIP seating at Tuesday’s General Session. Become a User Group Leader and you too can sit with the elite” – Denny Bahl

“Because it is in January and I live in Nebraska . . .Because I learn more in that week than I will the rest of the year . . .Because I meet more cool people in that week than I will the rest of the year . . .Because it somehow always falls close to my anniversary, and it is a good chance to get out of town WITH the wife!” – Todd Blacksher

NOTE:  Todd proposed to his wife Jade on-stage at SolidWorks World 2006 in Las Vegas.  The were married there that same week.

“I live in Iowa.. It was -16 (before the wind chill I was told -40 with wind chill). My boss asked me if I wanted to go, I didn’t even have to beg. Oh and I’m a SW Nerd” – Adam Stadelmann

“Once a year I have an opportunity to re-connect with colleagues who share my passion for SolidWorks. How can I miss that?” – Elise Moss

And finally, from Dwight Livingston – a man of few words..


Register now – https://www.solidworks.com/sww/

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.