What's Your Favorite SolidWorks World Memory?

I received some terrific responses for the “Why They are Going to SolidWorks World 2014” post, so I thought I’d carry on and ask for some favorite memories of SolidWorks World.  Here’s what they had to say.

My first SolidWorks World, Orlando 2009 – our company had just purchased SolidWorks in November.  My first session was Sheet Metal by Wayne Tiffany.  I learned so much in that session, and then Wayne answered a couple of my questions, handed me a business card, and suggested I attend a local user group meeting.  I attended the SWUGN Summit meeting at SWW to see what is was all about.  It was the most fun, informative event, and the jester hats were a hoot!  I was hooked on SolidWorks World and SolidWorks User groups – Peggy Franz

Nine years ago, my first SolidWorks World in Las Vegas.  I was truly amazed to realize how true the 3rd-W (World) in SWW was.  There were people from all over the world gathered in one place and all appeared to be absolutely enthusiastic.  I knew this was an event I need to be involved with – Jeff Holliday

Vegas! – Don Glaske

Mine is kind of a sad one. I’ve met and traveled to Boston with Wayne Tiffany to an event, so his passing and the tribute for Wayne at World was really special and to spend time with his son’s makes us all appreciate just what we do and that family is most important.

PS – All Worlds I’ve been to are all unique in their own ways and meeting and talking with like people about the stuff we do sure makes those four days stand out from most of the rest during the year – Steve Calvert

A memory that sticks in my mind was the chance to meet Burt Rutan, leader of Scaled Composites. His accomplishments in experimental aircraft culminating in the winning of the X-Prize to the edge of Space overwhelms me. His brother’s book “Voyager” stands proudly on my book shelf – Bill Casnovsky

I think my favorite memory is the excitement emanating from the crowd just before Monday’s general session of any SWW I’ve been to – Jeff Mirisola

Only having been to one SWW so far, moments that come to mind are seeing the team from Red Bull Stratos live, and seeing the balloon we manufactured used to lift the capsule, and seeing the Festo bird fly over my head.  An interesting memory was having the shuttle bus break down on the way to the airport at the end of SWW13. Lucky for me it was an earlier bus than I intended to take so I wasn’t late for my flight.  My wife has less fond memories of my adventure at SWW. I’m told that if another blizzard hits while I’m gone, she’s changing the locks on the doors – Brad Hakeman

My favorite SolidWorks World was in Las Vegas. I had passed my CSWP that year and the CSWP event was an intimate gathering at a restaurant/upscale Game room.  I sat at a table with Jon Hirschtick. I felt like I was sitting with the President – Jim Lowery

The year I was selected as the SWUGN User Group Leader of the Year.  It was one of the last conferences I’ve been able to attend, and one that I will never forget – Rob Jensen

SWW2010 in Anaheim. Walking in early to the General session early with Jeremy Luchini because I was going to be on stage with Mike, Avelino, and Jeff Ray. Got front row seating between Treena and Austin. I had no idea I was going to be sitting there. Good thing I didn’t have to say anything. Jeff had to putt a golf ball and says “I either make this shot, or I get to outrun a bullet…” – John Matrishon

My first SolidWorks World in San Antonio and the SWUGN Shuttle picked up some of us from the airport. Meeting Richard and Steve for the first time was the best way to start the excitement for SolidWorks World. I still owe you for that ride, thanks a lot for everything Richard – Deepak Gupta

It was during SWW in Boston of all places. I was sitting at the bar talking with some people and someone asked my name and I told them “Scott Baugh”, the guy directly to my right, stopped me and asked my name again… and I told him “yes my name is Scott Baugh”, his replay “the same Scott Baugh from off      Eng-tips.com?”, “yes that’s me”…. he followed up with,  “Oh my gosh, you’re my Idle“… you post so many good posts on there and I have learned so much reading your post”… of course my jaw hit the floor when he said all that… I don’t know if i was ever able to fill those shoes after that evening, but I kept trying and still try to the day. I had never forgotten that evening in Boston so many years ago.  That person was Ian that works in the UK for Driveworks. Still a friend to the day. I always enjoyed visiting with him at their booth when he comes to SWW since then. Haven’t spoke with him in so long time – Scott Baugh

And finally from Rob Rodriguez who could not come up with just one…

That’s a tough one. There are lots of good memories.  Sitting in Alpha testing with Rick Chin and Austin O’Malley having just met both of them. They asked me to fillet some parts on screen manually. I did this. The examples became progressively harder and finally they asked me to use a new tool to fillet a part. Before pressing any buttons and just looking at the part I told them it wouldn’t work because the only way to successfully fillet that area would be to roll back the feature tree and add the fillets between certain features. They both smiled and told me to press the button. I was amazed as the software rolled the tree back and made it all work just like I would have done. The new feature was fillet Xpert.

My first presentation at World was for user group leaders. Richard had asked me to talk about how I started my group. I only talked for about 10 minutes and was nervous as hell. When I was finished though I knew I wanted to do more presenting.

Every time I go to World I have at least one person thank me for my website, or the rendering guide or a video I created or a forum post or something I’ve done in the community. It always makes me feel really good when that happens. It shows how strong and vast the SW community is and there is no better place to see that than at SWW

SW used to have design contest every year and the winners would be announced at SWW. One year I won for drawings and some of my work was on the big screen for a few moments while Joe Dunne gave some background info. That was cool.

Learning how to play black jack from a member of the MIT black jack team. I mean how does that even happen?

Receiving the usergroup leader of the year award. I had no idea that was coming.

I could keep going on and on. SWW is just a place where you meet some really good people, see some really cool stuff, learn about all sorts of things and have a good time – Rob Rodriguez

Every year thousands of SolidWorks users make the journey to Solidworks World and they all come back with memories that will last a lifetime.  And, like Rob, I’d have a really hard time coming up with one favorite from the fifteen events I’ve attended, but since I started it….

At the SWUGN Summit meeting in 2009, I was introducing Jeff Ray to the crowd, and he came up and started talking about ME.  I was actually a little perturbed, he was supposed to be talking about SWUGN.  I didn’t know what was going on, but then the jester hats came out, and someone came up and put a crown on my head.  The rest of the meeting was a tribute the group leaders had worked up.  It was overwhelming, and I cried like a baby.

Register now and make your own memories – https://www.solidworks.com/sww/

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.