SolidWorks User Group Leaders Like to Gather

Every year 100-200 SolidWorks User Group leaders take advantage of their free admission to SolidWorks World.  They come for the same reasons as other attendees – technical sessions, the exhibits, the keynotes and the networking.  But they also come for another reason – to hang out with each other and share stories about their respective user groups.

You can find SolidWorks User Group leaders gathered around the SWUGN Kiosk at the Sunday reception, at the SWUGN Summit meeting Monday afternoon, and sitting in a specially reserved section for Tuesday’s General Session.  In short, wherever you see one SolidWorks User Group leader, you’ll likely see more.

Last year in Orlando, a large group of SolidWorks User Group leaders met up for dinner on Wednesday evening.  A surprise “sponsor” at that dinner spared the folks the trouble of figuring out the bill – thanks to Sean Young of Hewlett Packard.

The dinner was a success and everyone had a great time.  It also got a few of them thinking – “What if we could do this every year?”  And so they have…

Casey Gorman (Central Florida SolidWorks User Group) and Nicole Walden (Chattanooga SolidWorks User Group) have been busy putting together this year’s event scheduled for Wednesday evening.  Almost everything is in place – sponsors, the venue, even the food (which I hear is NOT pizza).  There will be T-shirts and banners as well.  The only thing missing so far is the final headcount.

If you are a SolidWorks User Group leader or officer attending SolidWorks World, Casey and Nicole would like to hear from you by January 1st.  You can join the discussion here (you must be a user group leader/officer to access the link). or email them directly and let them know you’ll be there.

Casey Gorman –

Nicole Walden –

Casey and Nicole have put a lot of effort into the event, and its a great way to wind down from the weeks’ activities.  Let’s give them a big thank you by making the event the best it can possibly be.

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.