February in the SolidWorks User Group Network

February is always a big month for SolidWorks User Groups.  Many of the group leaders have made their way back from SolidWorks World flush with new presentation ideas and a recap of the conference is always on the schedule.  Here are some upcoming highlights for February.

Greater Cincinnati SolidWorks User Group – February 12th
Group leader Ed Scheid brought back a ton of info for his members, and snagged a nice venue as well – the folks at ITE, LLC will provide a brief presentation on the company before Ed dives in to his “What Happened at SolidWorks World” session.  Josh Spencer of 3DVision rounds out the evening.

Other SolidWorks User Group meetings with SolidWorks World recaps – Mid-Atlantic Region Independent SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 12th), Central Alabama SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 12th), New Mexico SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 13th), Miami Valley SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 26th), Daytona Beach SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 26th), North Texas SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 28th), Yakima SolidWorks User Group (Feb. 29th).

The Twin Cities Tour
I don’t know what possessed me to agree to a SolidWorks User Group meeting in Minneapolis this month.  Maybe it was the way that Dan Podzimek asked…”How would you like to come to Minneapolis February 20th?”

I guess that’s all it takes.

Since I’ll be in the area anyway, it gives me a great opportunity to revisit the Southern Minnesota SolidWorks User Group on February 19th, and I get to visit the St. Croix Valley SolidWorks User Group for the first time on February 21st.

I’ll round out my month at the North Texas SolidWorks User Group on February 28th, sharing the stage with Thomas Allsup as we report on what happened at SolidWorks World.  I hope Christie can keep her opening remarks to a minimum.

All told there are 21 SolidWorks User Group meetings scheduled so far in February.  For details and locations, visit www.swugn.org



Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.