Meet the Let’s Go Design Dream Team: Fred Koehler

We're well into the summer vacation season here at SolidWorks, and Jeremy Luchini and the Let's Go Design team have been taking some well-deserved time off. But we haven't forgotten about all of the fans out there. While we anticipate the next episode of Let's Go Design, we have a few interviews with members of the team you don't hear from quite as often.

Many of our Let’s Go Design team members have a specialty in a very specific area. However, team member Fred Koehler, SolidWorks Senior Training Specialist (CSWP), is truly a master of all trades. As a trainer for SolidWorks, Fred is familiar with all of the ins and outs of SolidWorks software and helps write the manuals that accompany the different versions of the products. This thorough understanding of the software has really helped out the Let’s Go Design team in some tight jams.

For the Ultimate CAD Chair, Fred was the driving force behind the development of the routing systems and wiring. On Project 3, Fred has been a huge assistance on various design elements needed for the Hot Rod Baby Buggy, including the shock absorbers and tank treads. In addition, Fred’s keeping his eye on safety, as he’s envisioning a baby seat placed in the chassis that is similar to a cockpit. We’ll be sure to keep an eye on how his vision comes to life in future episodes!

But don’t take our word for it; hear Fred talk about his part in Let’s Go Design, and the most challenging element of the project in his own words:

We want to hear from you! Do you solve design problems like Fred does? Tell us below in our comments section, on the Twitter or Facebook pages. If you want to become a SolidWorks expert like Fred, be sure to check out the Tips and Demos section of the Let’s Go Design page. Don’t forget to keep an on the Let’s Go Design page in the coming weeks for our latest episode.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.