Five Questions Friday with Ross Taylor of SolidXperts

Taylor-_SolidXperts_1x1_msn Name: Ross Taylor

Company: SolidXperts Inc.

Title: Account Manager for the New England area

Hometown: Milford, NH


1. Why did you choose to do the work you do?
I started my career in engineering developing new products and processes. Having good software tools was increasingly important and helping engineers understand how useful technology inspired me to enter technical sales.


2. What is your proudest career moment?
Being invited to sponsor several high school students who were working on new prosthetic robotics was very rewarding to me. The result of their work will help millions of people.


3. What goal inspires you most?
I had an opportunity to meet and work with Michael Jordan on a cancer fundraiser project in Chicago. Seeing the amount of energy he invested really left a lifelong impression on me. A real team player and genuinely caring human being of that stature can really inspire you to make things happen.


4. How has SolidWorks made a difference in your life?
When I was a high school student, we lost several classmates in an automobile accident. Airbags were not available in cars back then. As an engineer, I had the opportunity to be on the airbag sensor development team. I witnessed firsthand the productivity leap when we moved from 2D to SolidWorks, the result was more people were going to benefit directly from having access to airbag technology–literally saving countless lives.


5. Who’s your favorite musician and why? How about athletes, or actors?
Eric Clapton for putting his heart and soul into his work. Michael Jordan for his dedication, and Edward James Olmos for his perseverance.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.