Five Questions Friday with George DuBois of Island Sky

Name: George Dubois

Title: Vice President of Engineering

Company: Island Sky, based in Hollywood, Fla., USA

Web site address:

Company description: Island Sky has developed patented technology for transforming water vapor from the atmosphere into potable water. More than one billion human beings lack access to clean water, according to the United Nations. The rest arguably pay too much for water infrastructure, transportation, and packaging.

1. Why did you choose to do the work you do?
It was due to a lifelong interest in mechanical and sculptural exploration beginning with the biography of Eiffel, and continuing into the arts and technology. I had ample opportunities in aerospace and medical industry robotics, and electronics. 

2. What is your proudest career moment?
Amongst the countless moments, having obtained multiple UL certifications in Air to Water Technology tops my list. I look forward to more.

3. What goal inspires you most?
The application of innovative technologies in artistic and humanitarian projects.

4. How has SolidWorks made a difference in your life?
SolidWorks, with it’s fabulous and friendly platform, has taken me light years away from the tediousness and frustration of the old CAD software, into an era were much more creativity can manifest in a single day. 

5. What do you do for fun?

I write to blend human understanding of science into the art of self-exploration. Sculptural design of illuminated structures also provides a great outlet, and I like to dream up fabulous structures geared for a new era in architecture.

Thanks to George for taking the time to talk.
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Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.