My SolidWorks World Sessions – Day 1, 10:30am to 12:00pm

Choosing sessions at SolidWorks World is never easy.  Do I pick a "track" and stick with it?  Maybe I should sit in on sessions covering functionality I don't normally use.  I guess I could attend sessions based on the presenter's credentials and/or reputation.  I just don't know….

I've narrowed down my choices for "Day 1, Block 1".  All of the sessions in this block are first-rate, there are some highly renowned speakers, and some very interesting topics. I think you'll begin to see how hard this choice is going to be. 

Using Blocks and Layout Sketches for Mechanism Design
Bruce Holway, SolidWorks Corporation
I sat in on Bruce's session at the NESWUC event, and I have to tell you it's one of the best I've ever attended.  If you have any questions at all about using the layout functionality in SolidWorks, you cannot miss this session.

Reuse Not Redraw: Utilizing 2D and 3D Legacy Data
Michael Hess, MHDA
Michael leads the CAD Users of the Big Island in Hawaii (I have got to visit that group).  The session will cover a lot of information about DWGEditor, something I don't remember seeing before.  I've dabbled a bit, but it would be nice to learn from someone that uses it regularly.

Pocket Guide to Plastic Part Design
Ed Honda, hondaDesign, LLC
Ed has been presenting at SolidWorks World for a long time, and is always one of the highest rated presenters.  This beginner level session covers concept to production design of plastic parts.  As a machine designer for most of my career, this one falls under the "I don't normally use" category.

Live Build of a SolidWorks CAD Computer
Devon Sowell, 3-D Design Solutions and Anna Wood, Auer Precision

I've been going to SolidWorks World for a long time, and I can safely say that no one has ever put on a session like this one.  Devon and Anna will actually build a high-end CAD computer right before your very eyes.  Add in the fact that both of these folks are highly regarded members of the SolidWorks Community, and you've got a recipe for standing room only.

Surfacing Tools for Non-Believers
Charles Culp, Essex Industries
If you've ever visited the SolidWorks Discussion Forums, you know very well who Charles Culp is.  This is the first time Charles will be presenting at SolidWorks World, but it's not his first presentation.  I sat in on his session at the SWUGN Summit – St. Louis back in 2008 and he did a fantastic job.  Since I'm a little short on surfacing skills, this might be a very good choice.

SolidWorks Tips, Tricks, and Traps
Phil Sluder, Triaxial Design and Analysis
Mr. Tips and Tricks, need I say more?  This is always one of the most popular sessions at SolidWorks World and has been for 11 years now.  The session is filled with classic tips, and Phil always manages to come up with a few more every year.  Get there early, this one fills up fast.

Drawings Tips and Tricks
Marc Leizza, SolidWorks Corporation
Over the past 10 or 11 years, I've created thousands of drawings in SolidWorks. Still, every time I sit in on one of Marc's sessions, I learn something new.  At a recent NTSUG meeting, Marc showed tips on functionality that been around since SolidWorks 2006.  People wrote them down.  If your job requires you to produce drawings in SolidWorks, I highly recommend this session.

Well, I narrowed my choices to only six of the available twenty sessions. And this is only Day 1 – 10:00am to 12:00pm.  Which one will I choose?  You'll have to keep reading – I'll reveal my entire technical session schedule right here on Friday, January 22nd.

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.
Richard Doyle
Richard Doyle