Using “Off the shelf” Cables in SolidWorks Electrical Routing

I have recently been preparing some material for a meeting I had on Tuesday this week. The purpose was to review some of the capabilities of SolidWorks Electrical Routing.

One of the requirements was to use standard “off the shelf” cables. Luckily SolidWorks has a nice tool that allows a user to specify standard cable info, SolidWorks will then ensure that when you place it in your assembly the cable length, diameter and connections meet the required spec.

However the requirement had a but…
The customer bought cables at a minimum length of 1m and went up in 500mm increments. These cables were to be placed into a relatively small space. In the real world this is an easy job that you can solve with a cable tie.

So how can this be done in SolidWorks??


Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.