The Longest Presentation I've Ever Done – and Nobody Fell Asleep

When EISWUG leader Brandy Tyler told me I was the only presenter on the agenda for Tuesday's three hour meeting, I was sure it wasn't going to last that long.  I put together a Tips and Tricks session with a little SolidWorks World/SWUGN/Community information sprinkled in, but I never imagined that I could go on (and on, and on) for 2-1/2 hours.

The attendees were very gracious, and willing to particpate.  We had lots of questions and discussion about SolidWorks.  When I asked after the presentation if everyone had learned at least one thing, they all said that they had – and that's the main goal of a user group meeting.

I'm scheduled for one more meeting this week, but I'll have to cut back a little.  I'm not the only presenter - Jeremy Owen from Tridaq will be covering 3DVia and PDMWorks Thursday night, leaving me less time.  I'm having a hard time deciding what to cut though…

Maybe I'll just talk really, really fast.

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.
Richard Doyle
Richard Doyle