Meet a User Group Leader (or 60) at SolidWorks World
Every year, scores of SolidWorks User Group leaders converge on SolidWorks World for the same reasons as everyone else – training, networking, and a little fun. But these dedicated folks also come to SWW with another mission – to spread the word about their user group.
I think User Group leaders would be easy to spot even if they didn't have the green SWUGN ribbons affixed to their badges. You might overhear a hallway conversation, or maybe one of them will hand you a business card with their group affiliation. Heck, you might even notice a little extra spring in their step. It would be a shame if you didn't get to meet as many as possible of the great people that make SWUGN what it is today.
So here are a couple of tips.
First, look for the green SWUGN ribbons prominently displayed on their badge. Make sure you have a few moments, and then stop them in the hall and ask them about their user group (really…make sure you have a few minutes).
Two…stop by the SWUGN booth in the Exhibit Hall. A user group leader and/or SWUGN Committee representative will be there during the entire time that exhibits are open. There's even an informal get-together planned for Sunday evening.
Three – plan to attend the 10th Annual SWUGN Summit meeting. Not only will you be able to meet every user group leader in attendance, you'll also be treated to a great meeting with special guests, a few surprises, and more information about user groups than you can imagine.
SolidWorks World is the premier training event of the year, and you'll return to the office with tons of new tips and tricks and new ways of working with SolidWorks. Just make sure you don't leave without learning about your local user group.
Or….learning how to start one.
10th Annual SWUGN Summit
Monday, February 9th – 4:30pm to 6:00pm