SWIFT SketchXpert

Last time I talked about how the SWIFT FeatureXpert helps users create fillets a draft without regard for order. SWIFT works similarly with sketches. When working in 2D CAD, users create many lines, arcs, and other entities as their solution takes shape. These entities typically lack intelligent design intent, making them very flexible and easy to manipulate. Parametric solid modeling systems, by contrast, add important dimensional and geometric relationships to lines, arcs and 2D shapes in order to capture design intent and propagate change. Eventually, various levels of intent can conflict, leaving users with errors in their sketches. Traditionally, users must stop and solve these problems manually in order to continue the design. These are more CAD problems than engineering problems.

The SWIFT SketchXpert, however, for the first time makes it easy for users to quickly resolve any and all system conflicts that arise when sketching. When a sketch cannot be solved, the SketchXpert diagnoses the problem and presents the user with a set of solutions that remove inadvertent intent and lock onto the desired one. With the SketchXpert, the user can quickly add the desired design intent without having any special CAD system knowledge.


Fielder Hiss

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