Sun Customer Roundtables

We all know that Las Vegas is famous for its tables but on Sunday, before the official kicked off SolidWorks World, some interesting discussions took place at tables of a different sort. Again this year roundtables were held enabling users to share ideas with the SolidWorks Product Management and Product Definition teams. Forums included machine design, mold design, consumer product design, drawings, data management, design validation and API programming to name a few. Approximately 400 users participated in the pre-conference roundtables.

SolidWorks has a long history of driving its’ products based on the needs of our customers. While we can’t implement every concept we get at these round tables what we are able to do is tackle the more common issues that will help the most users. Without this type of dedicated user feedback SolidWorks would not be the great product it is today. To those who participated and shared their ideas – THANK YOU!

As SolidWorks World 2006 officially kicks look forward to a few surprises and remember when at those other tables always split 8s and Aces.

Fielder Hiss
SolidWorks Corp.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.