Motor W16: Vilbrochenul

Motor W16: Vilbrochenul

The English posting of this blog is located here

In a 4-a parte a seriei despre motorul W16 voi prezenta vilbrochenul si voi explica detaliat constructia lui.

W16 Crankshaft Solidworks

Download Crankshaft

Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia blocului pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor include ansamblul Block-Crankshaft-Pistons (bloc-arbore cotit-pistoane) si animarea lui.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The Crankshaft

W16 Engine: The Crankshaft

In this fourth post about the W16 Engine I will introduce the Crankshaft and detail its build.

W16 Crankshaft Solidworks

Download Crankshaft

See detailed explanation in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will include the Block-Crankshaft-Pistons assembly and its animation.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued